I live in Eureka, KS (pop.) 2000. Jules you would hate it because you are itching to git' back to the big city Missy. One thing you would love about Eureka, KS is the weekly estate sales/auctions. Fortunately, I rarely have to attend. I am the alterations lady. I am often brought sewing stuff from grandma after she goes on to glory. Everybody knows I recycle vintage stuff. Auctions really don't like to fool with small stuff. I have rescued gorgeous stuff that was dumpster bound...not that I am above dumbster diving....lol...the stories I could tell.... I am often given any sewing related stuff and any media stuff. I have vintage sheet music...Postmarks from 1939 and on and on and on.religious graphics,
As soon as I drag home my loot..I wash, dry and iron any vintage linens, hankies, lace...etc...Often, time has already worked its aging magic, and tho Tim Holtz's delicious products can give an aged, distressed look....ain't nothing like the real thing baby...
I perch myself on the porch in midday heat (the things I do for my audience...lol) sunlight at its best....and I shoot photos of any and every card, mag, old letters...etc I have....I zoom in on words and phrase for up and coming projects. All of the stuff is at least 50 years old. The vintage linens tell many stories to me....Somebody's grandma hand sewed every stitch and I take great delight in giving them new life. Lately I have been creating with the copies. Been practicing printing on transparency and using gel medium to transfer the image to dominoes. I am putting together altered art/ mixed media bundles of vintage graphics, linens and vintage jewelry, to sell them on Etsy for under 10 bucks each.. approximately 3 bucks postage. Lately I have been transfering images of vintage hankies to fabric with iron on transfer paper. The ironing gives a leathery look to the hankie.then I make a rose out of that...Will share photo soon. I won't live long enough to create with all of my stash. I will have contests and give some of this stuff away soon...Jules I would like to send you some goodies. Please send me a snail mail addy.
see ya
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